About garden offices, granny annexes and garden studio building projects for people that want to develop their garden or build extra accommodation. Written by Richard Grace Project Director Garden Structures based in Cheshire UK. Designers, suppliers and installers of Insulated Garden Buildings (all types) including Lodges and Granny Annexes. Our range includes structures of both traditional and contemporary. + Advice to business users of Pinterest the fastest growing image search engine.
Thursday, 5 July 2018
Pinterest For Business by Ricardo
What is "Pinterest for Business" Here this one page tells you - "How to generate new web traffic using Pinterest". How it works. Do this "now" and the result will be - "more sales for less cost" !
Pinterest updates - 28/06 - It's 05/07/2018 I have studied and used the updates made by Pinterest on 28/06 - Here are my notes:
A full demo of all this is now available on Video at >> Video Version - 20m watch
A few things have been tidied up. + a few new things and one thing which I personally think is major. On desktop version there is a following button right next to your home and search buttons. Click and it shows new pins fron pinners you are following. If you hover over a pin and want to pin it the new enhancement suggests which board / gives you choice and facilitates pinning very rapidly. If you want to make updates once or twice a day (recommended) this is a great prooductivity enhancement. So click following hover over pin check it is suggesting your board of choice - click done. You can edit who you follow from the same screen. A productivity enhancement is always good for business and this one is major. There are a few other things changed and all works "of course".
SavePinterest Marketing Consultancy UKVery Good Cat Pic - I just keep looking at it but it MUST be staged ? What do you think?573Garden Structures + Calfpath Pinterest ConsultancyNoellas Cats
What is Pinterest ??? (many things to many people - and now being referred to as "THE fastest" growing business on planet earth.
This research by - Richard Grace April - May - June - July 2018
I first published this page in March - and now (after 15,000+ visitors and 3000+ followers) I know that the "world" is very "p-interested" - more than just here in our tiny island of UK (where "by the way" we are VERY slow in takeup). So I need to decide what to do!
With more than "280 million" daily users and a growth rate of more than 50% per year the indication is that Pinterest is fulfilling a demand rather well! It is NOT another Facebook which remains dominant in terms of group social interaction. Pinterest is an image, # "AND" word / "searchable" matching application with astounding / addictive share-ability AND top class functionality. + it is fun + easy to use! (those are the main reasons for P's astonishing results)
Our decisions are influenced by how things look - we all know that visual images are important regarding a high percentage of everyone's desires, interests and purchases.
In USA today more than 70% of females between 25 and 55 now use pinterest "daily" for both enjoyment and decision making. The male equivalent has at last reached over 50 % !!. Here in the UK we "WILL" catch up or catch on even us men.
This relatively new ability to record images and make comparisons of product availability and cost is dramatically changing the way our shopping works. Pinterest has made image sharing "easy and enjoyable" +product matching and price comparison is simplified. - "drag frame on image + click" or with lens (pinterest image matching) "point your phone and click" (you are now looking at - choice, including links directly to suppliers info). Pinterest has now become "simply" THE leading platform for image recognition, image comparison and image sharing.(the google of images with links). Many images / (pins) link directly to more info, advisors and most importantly, websites where you can review ideas, find and buy stuff quickly on-line.(P has been for some time "the bloggers paradise" but time has come for business to join the party).
Our decisions are influenced by how things look - we all know that visual images are important regarding a high percentage of everyone's desires, interests and purchases.
In USA today more than 70% of females between 25 and 55 now use pinterest "daily" for both enjoyment and decision making. The male equivalent has at last reached over 50 % !!. Here in the UK we "WILL" catch up or catch on even us men.
This relatively new ability to record images and make comparisons of product availability and cost is dramatically changing the way our shopping works. Pinterest has made image sharing "easy and enjoyable" +product matching and price comparison is simplified. - "drag frame on image + click" or with lens (pinterest image matching) "point your phone and click" (you are now looking at - choice, including links directly to suppliers info). Pinterest has now become "simply" THE leading platform for image recognition, image comparison and image sharing.(the google of images with links). Many images / (pins) link directly to more info, advisors and most importantly, websites where you can review ideas, find and buy stuff quickly on-line.(P has been for some time "the bloggers paradise" but time has come for business to join the party).
So - What now? Firstly - here directly below is a working example of a pin board (it's embedded in this page) - I made 18 boards in total as part of my research + "there are more" at the bottom of this page. These boards are allconnected "live", the one here has (10,000+ photos of cats - it could easily be photos of your products) - "yes I did say ten thousand + cat photos" - as you are reading this - right now - you can try by scrolling and clicking about with it - or read more and scroll back. Of course I recommend you read more of this first - it's only a 4 minute read in total !
Garden Structures + Calfpath Pinterest ConsultancyNoellas CatsFollow On
There are vast untapped, valuable applications of this technology for most if not all businesses as well asbenefits for users.
The FREE Pinterest, powerful and simple to use "app" lends itself to easy integration in websites. e.g. Images from sites can be saved and shared by anyone visiting (FREE MARKETING). Importantly (here is the benefit), these images can and do very often carry inbuilt digital information of real value (links). This means users can and do find more quickly the best source of the product, idea, service or experience being offered. This outstanding function (unique to P) makes Pinterest a "search engine" of amazing ability.
The FREE Pinterest, powerful and simple to use "app" lends itself to easy integration in websites. e.g. Images from sites can be saved and shared by anyone visiting (FREE MARKETING). Importantly (here is the benefit), these images can and do very often carry inbuilt digital information of real value (links). This means users can and do find more quickly the best source of the product, idea, service or experience being offered. This outstanding function (unique to P) makes Pinterest a "search engine" of amazing ability.
It's as simple as this for most businesses:
If images of what you do or sell are important then you must have a plan in place regarding how to benefit from using Pinterest. It has to become a part of your business strategy. If not, you’re missing out on key opportunities, + (perhaps) exposing yourself to loss of business to competitors. Why? - because your competition will become P friendly sooner than yourself. (As we are aware - shops and stores are struggling right now and Amazon is building more capability by the minute) - ask yourself why this is?
Why should you use Pinterest for business?
Pinterest is an image based text searchable information network. Pinners are sharing ideas when planning projects or seeking out new products to buy, enjoy and use. I have studied all the latest data closely. Pinterest is all set to overtake "twitter" within months, to become "second only" to Facebook in the league table of the world's most used websites. Google of course remains dominant in text search. Pinterest is quite different from ALL other social networks. Before I say any more about how to use Pinterest for business, here’s quick overview of some key Pinterest terminology. It's simple so I had to "spice" it up a bit.
What are Pins?
A Pin is any image or video many with embedded links that someone "a pinner" chooses to save to their own Pinterest boards. For businesses, more important than the pin itself (if anything could be) is the website link it can and does "very often" carry. If an image is pinned from your own website it carries a link back from where it came automatically. Pins get repinned by others looking for similar ideas and visits to your website go up"exponentially" at no cost. If visitors stay a while and pin more of your images - (guess what ?) the result ismore web traffic and potentially more sales!
Every pin with an embedded link points back to the website it was from. (Pinterest software protects this from cheats) More than 150 billion (that's a hundred and fifty thousand million) Pins to date indicate that something is changing, not to mention there is something working!
What works?
In order to keep things organized, Pinners usually sort their own Pins into collections called boards. For example, boards can be product offers, case studies, project information or simply grouped images of thingsthe pinner likes or aspires to.
Your own boards can be liked and followed just as you yourself can "like" and "follow" any boards of other pinners, AND maybe most importantly, you can make comments, write descriptions and include keywords + # (hashtags). Pinterest is fully text searchable just like Google..
Web Integration
For many businesses an active Pinterest account is now becoming a "must have". It can drive web traffic at costs miniscule by comparison with other strategies. It is becoming more and more significant to many business situations. Images are vital to marketing and pinterest integration with your website is now vital to maintain competitive ranking in search.
How to start
Open a Pinterest Business account - make boards, label them and start pinning. If you choose to receive feedback the Pinterest for business system will keep you informed day and night (you select the frequency) +The Pinterest website gives you all the info needed to understand how to achieve the results you want.
Other Pinners can follow your entire portfolio, or just the specific boards that interest them most. Once followed the Pins you save will appear in their feed. (in this case always associated with both written andvisual info + your chosen links).
What is a feed?
A Pinterest feed is just like a feed on any other social network - it’s data or let's just call it info - about links and content from boards and users that a Pinner has followed or pinned or re-pinned. The feed you can choose brings you automatic updates by email on who (which pinners) are pinning your images.
How to set up a Pinterest account.
If you use Pinterest to enhance the marketing of your business, you MUST create a Pinterest business account(this is free of any charge), rather than a personal account. Business accounts offer specific features e.g. analytics and the ability to use Pinterest paid advertising if required.
If you already have a personal Pinterest account, you can convert it to a business account easily. Simply, fill in some additional information about your own business + accept the business-specific terms of service.
This account setup is as easy as it gets - register - choose name - choose business or personal - sign up DONE. Now - name a board and start to pin. No payment is required or asked for to sign up and use this system. Pinterest generate revenues by offering more stuff i.e. advertising on a choice basis.
What user strategy is best:
Experienced pinners will all say the same:
Best to pin regularly / often - the system wants you to do this, the most feedback and benefit goes to those who contribute regularly. (my own tests qualify that Pinterest gives priority to regular pinners). There are available, separate apps. (approved by Pinterest), which help automate and schedule your pinning process. (I have used "tailwind" and "pinfollow" - recommended).
Set your goals - Personal / Business - Define your strategy to suit.
Have fun - you are about to join the fastest growing network on the planet.
How is Pinterest integrated in an existing website ?
Easily - when you have a business account - see above - Pinterest "give" you access to all the codes free of any charge + simple on screen instructions about how to configure and use them. These codes "snippets" are cut and pasted from their page on-line into your existing code at the point (on-page) where you want your new stuff to appear.
If you are reading this using a laptop and mouse - right click - select "view source" and you will see my ownPinterest code snippets right here (you can do this on mobile but it is nt as easy). So - Pinterest give you the code snippets - you paste them in. Of course - you may choose to leave this to whoever looks after yourwebsite (or ask them to give you 10 minutes training) - But let us not pretend this is difficult.
Summary ?
1. Sketch out where you want the P buttons (of your design and choice) + any "action call links" to appear. 2. Paste in the Pinterest supplied codes. 3. Upload the modified pages to your webserver. All done! Now, keep an eye on how your visitors behave (using P free analytics and G analytics) then make your own strategicalterations to suit. More visitors to your website will result (easy to see in analytics). - If you get your message right then more sales will follow. -- This of course is assuming your products or services are displayed correctly to the right audience and only you could know this! - How simple is that!
This Page written by Richard - Pinterest name "ricardospizza"
Follow Ricardo for Pinterest help and advice
For businesses we are offering setup, integration with websites and on-going advice / consultancy (paid help). Contact Richard - You can see it working here / check it out on this website. See how Pinterest integration has generated 40+% traffic growth in 6 months!
It works like this - during my own Pinterest learning phase I placed images on a test board "the cat one" I named "Noellas Cats" Images from here have been pinned and repinned all over the planet and the ones pinned from this page generate traffic back daily. "Pity I don't have any cat related products to sell! -? - "But - sometimes I write my own ideas before I have thought them out!" Here below you can see my chosen cat pin and a photo of one of the most famous people who ever lived his initials are E.T. having a chat with one of our neighbours - her initials are J.B.). + a couple of others.
DIY - How to Start - reviewed ?
Open a pinterest business account (free) - create boards - pin stuff and get followers + feedback data - integrate this with your website - watch for an increase in your traffic and sales. If you need help contact me after reading the process documentation (now available here). - Thanks for reading and happy pinning.
Photos I used - Random examples here: ?
The photos below are TOTALLY random. When re-pinned they carry "automatically" 1. This webpage link - 2. A brief description of the photo content. 3. The Pinterest supplied "Rich Pin lables" where appropriate to make them stand out. 4.Some keywords and #tags in the descriptions.
These test boards open in a new browser window and take you directly to ALL my test boards WITH the numbers in order that you can check back here easily to re-read the above. Boring I know but very important - here you can see the number of pins and boards, the number of followers and most importantly - you can see the ratio of following to followers I used... Changing the ratio can produce more followers and MORE traffic immidiately. Comments / questions are welcome.. (my direct email link is below).
I am further developing the "now" published web page that explains the setup process in detail - it is published! How to write about "human nature" - That's the difficult bit because everyone thinks they already know - yes they do but telling people what they already know is the "trick" of marketing. If you would likemore detail email me with your questions - that is completely free!
I am in Chester UK - if you want to talk with me by phone that is easy - send me an email and then (by appointment) we can chat free of any cost. You can use the talk button on the bottom of this page to send any quick notes. During any calls I can advise and send code direct to your device as we are on-line (using this stuffthis makes the world a small place !).
Garden Structures + Calfpath Pinterest ConsultancyGarden Structures Case StudiesFollow On
Having re-read this "my own script" - Even I find it too good to be true - however I have the data - how ? Firstly - I had a quick look and it made me think - then - I spent 12 months experimenting for a couple of hours each day. - I searched for experts and read ALL their stuff and then, did a LOT of what was recommended - I integrated it in my own website, then watched the results using analytics - I talked to friends and family about it "they all let it go above their heads". Now I have CONCRETE results there is a bit of a change in thinkingunderway!
Remember I said this can't be done overnight - but it can be done at very low cost - if you wait then the cost will rise + 1. You may find it NEEDS to be done to compete - and 2. You will find that the catching up time becomes an issue - (that is how most good ideas progress) - "and that's all from me".
Thanks for visiting - If you got this far - stay and have a play around with my test boards they click through the Pinterest site where the pin boards are. I am presuming Pinterest truncate the photo numbers on integrated / display boards as 40,000 photos would for sure slow down this page! Feel free to contact me by email if you need more help! Use email-Richard link below.
Every 10 seconds 80,000 new photos, comments and graphics are added to Pinterest - this is May 2018, the trend is upwards and the graph is not a straight line - there has to be a reason - Pinterest have "more" things right than wrong - "that's for sure" my own experimental testing reached 623,492 views in the last 4 weeks + I have now recorded details of more than 150,000 potential purchasers!
Thanks for reading - comments welcome:
As you can see for yourself - this is all about background and startup. I have prepared now the full paper on stage 2 implementation and on-going automation. To be amongst first to receive this send an email with a verybrief description of what you would like to achieve. (my next piece of research supporting the above includes discussions with 5 experts who are ALL "ladies") - I am going to claim fame as one of the first (men) to write about this! (updated 31/05 - draft 1 is ready and initial tests are working - still waiting for 2 busy ladies final input!)
It's 31/05 and I have completed my stage 2 work plan (version 3). I am recommending some tools for scheduling and some for developing infographics. This stage of my work has included demographics analysis and the profile of following + followers. There are some important tools which help to build a good understanding of this process. Tool 1. - free is "pinfollow" this tool allows some understanding of the important follower and following ratios and demgraphics. Tool 2 is "tailwind" a significant piece of software which links itself (given your permission) directly to your pinterest account and allows for automation of some important and time consuming processes. + The effect of joining group boards..
In a keynote at Shoptalk, a retail conference in Las Vegas (on 20/03/2018), Ben Silbermann, CEO and co-founder of Pinterest discussed how visual discovery will be a key part of the future and how we use a camera will expand beyond just taking photos. “I think in the very near future, people are going to query the world around them all the time,” Silbermann said. “Its going to open up the possibility for retail experiences to happen anywhere at any time.”
On mayday - I watched the interview with Jeff Bezos - (you can find the feed on my own pinterest/workshop wall) this is where I have pinned stuff with "drawing pins" for decades but now it is continuing on pinterest ! It sparked off an interesting discussion between Gideon (my son and me) not reaching any conclusion yet - typical! I am working on the best way to find the "right" followers - talking to people all over the planet but not yet concluded - it's easy to understand why someone with a special idea gets followed a lot - but the weight of the (followers / following) is important to the Pinterest algorithm (I will update this point when concluded)
The first version of setup process is online now at www.aarco.co.uk/pinterest-setup-process.html the process is written but still work in progress. (demand was too high to wait)
Garden Structures + Calfpath Pinterest ConsultancyRussian Art (some for sale)Follow On
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About Me

- Richard Grace
- Richard is an experienced business consultant specialising in garden structures design and planning + The UK's leading expert in using Pinterest for business marketing web traffic generation at lowest cost.